

Written by Gravity05 on 2021-12-16 at 12:39pm

9 comments e 934 views


They have just been announced winners of the NFT competition where Habbo gave his Comunity 1000 NFT look.

Let's go see what this is about... .

:Icona3:New translated by

Of all Habbo suitable for an NFT, we are happy to share the complete list of Habbo who will receive a NFT from collection of Habbo Avatar.

Each site will receive its own individual article today or tomorrow with the winners on your hotel, we apologize for waiting. (We had a localization incident. )

Could be about time to send them all to the address of the MetaMask portfolio you provided as it is a manual process (days or even weeks). Ask us when you receive your NFT will not accelerate the process, so please try not to ask!

Note: to actually see your NFT and sell it if you wish, you will have to access OpenSea using the MetaMask wallet you created.

Read this articlefor more information about the community giveaway.

:BadgeVinto:Winners list

Waiting for the specific news, we write all the winners.

  1. gilsonb2
  2. julia17794
  3. Desbrochante
  4. _
  5. Mxt.
  6. Hgjb.
  7. Mariana
  8. KillerBayShin
  9. -=iTzzzzzz!
  10. Donut2000
  11. Mc,Pablo
  12. rodrigo11Craque
  13. sivibi
  14. Sr.Malandrex
  15. meninoferde
  16. Domleonar198
  17. Vnoiado
  18. ...Rufitos...
  19. -Hello.
  20. davilindoz84
  21. . Nocturne
  22. Luzine!
  23. alan-pms
  24. Allanbt
  25. Lucas472471
  26. Darling
  27. Sr.meudeus
  28. Pag
  29. Oinevado
  30. music
  31. Lucas14861
  32. reivitorxxx
  33. -JumpStyle
  34. Sr_maximos.
  35. juliatriste
  36. rnandada
  37. Abigair
  38. iSanndy
  39. Handbookoww
  40. JonathaanCsn
  41. Courage
  42. .Blue@ngel.
  43. Luthy.. .
  44. Goldboy.
  45. adriana73622
  46. !
  47. isableb
  48. Kolio
  49. ,Bomberman
  50. 59
  51. Guiilees
  52. Missscher
  53. carreiraSoldado
  54. BET0.
  55. alimonagh
  56. Evy.Martins
  57. Chellinha
  58. Roma622SuET
  59. bi@zinh@hhh!
  60. SgtRodrigues
  61. Hymn
  62. Horcrux
  63. TioSanly
  64. HugoCastro30
  66. thiago123321
  67. LunaSecret
  68. tastevm
  69. xRedLabel.
  70. Weida! !
  71. MasterRobson
  72. FerrariConstellation
  73. Chicleety
  74. Tony_brito
  75. Sabrisaa
  76. Ozzot24
  77. rodolfox007
  78. Divagatin 2011
  79. Ollie
  80. waste
  81. felishes20335
  82. - Techno-Top-
  83. - Hitsu.
  84. Skylight
  85. DiicoRoomaa
  86. Pudinzin.
  87. wolfinsheepskin
  88. Andrey1994
  89. Raffa2512
  90. - Chronometer-
  91. .:Caiio: :
  92. 13runo! !
  93. white
  94. Im_walker
  95. pro.ander
  96. Aninha.hta17
  97. Sandals809
  98. Contempt
  99. MarcosADT
  100. ..ThE-BoY.
  101. _
  102. iFront
  103. :FatalSNuff: :
  104. Iupino
  105. 9Both
  106. alice.yin
  107. lucas-faro20
  108. Fennway
  109. Flacially
  110. Metaforz
  111. RenRen
  112. Ygoor
  113. Grey.
  114. MistaHotel.
  115. nogueiraeli
  116. :Maikel
  117. Stenport
  118. @Poet
  119. Nails
  120. Rhobert.junior.
  121. Rigggby
  122. chapeuzim
  123. Espedyta
  124. renato-mlk-top
  125. Waytz.
  126. Say. Alicezita
  127. Punkadeira
  128. sirisabela74
  129. -SouLeque
  130. Charges
  131. Cupe!cake
  132. violeta131
  133. Silver
  134. .:KruM::.
  135. Sam
  136. Srto.Pedrinho
  137. Rayna...
  138. BIGRObinhox
  139. Boyyu.
  140. MCMCsamir
  141. Senhoritohen
  142. julyqk
  143. RafSantos12
  144. =? =Harry=? ♪
  145. Boss
  146. Hiperzicks2
  147. ?
  148. Jess?
  149. Good. .
  150. Matoniniih-
  151. SilvadaSilva
  152. GataTanin
  153. pedro.sallas
  154. M00NCHLD
  155. Effryant.ban
  156. MS-DOS
  157. SuperNando144
  158. Fofa4211
  159. reinanfeli
  160. -MariB!
  161. OGabrielBraga
  162. ElFimose
  163. . :Nuttg:.
  164. Eric.Modz
  165. Megaruim2
  166. -Edhone
  167. _
  168. jueanjo
  169. fabintb
  170. AsunaYuukii-
  171. De4n
  172. Dadinho!
  173. Armoit
  174. Justus123
  175. kimbosebol
  176. Lamalu
  177. Nathan.alves.
  178. iBeer.
  179. mamaagnalsk
  180. Ahoy
  181. Gore!
  182. .:LUCAS:.400
  183. Hami
  184. Fredukj
  185. 7746
  186. Uchiha-Vicangel
  187. Molecular
  188. nathali14308
  189. BrMarinho
  190. Banana
  191. hygor406
  192. RafinhaMiya
  193. .:MasterT:.
  194. That
  195. zacaws
  196. _
  197. His
  198. Arnica
  199. Big gold
  200. Passoos
  201. be.
  202. dianinha.val
  203. . Caine.
  204. igui8
  205. v@v@.
  206. -Bieel.zicka
  207. Luan3892.
  208. KratosWesley
  209. iNeoT
  210. dsilva2013
  211. marcos66642
  212. --tugas--
  213. Elizabeth
  214. .LindoDeMorrer-
  215. Leh_hehe.
  216. =p-pop-q=
  217. heectorjr
  218. RedZera
  219. isaiassous62
  220. Vitoriony
  221. Why? .

  1. Cundero
  2. LindaGirl
  3. x-..Adrian.. -X
  4. Dbgf
  5. Amiga600
  6. Tentork
  7. nightthinker
  8. Simmich
  9. hasi962
  10. DasZwitter
  11. Super-Held
  12. longgong
  13. IchBinCoolok?
  14. PunkGirl86
  15. .:RobInIo.xD:.
  16. narutix
  17. .mojo
  18. Yatosu
  19. Lala.x3.
  20. xxxjulivn
  21. Miwana
  22. Cybercheck
  23. Miqqi
  24. -Seng
  25. Das,Adidas..x3
  26. Nikii,
  27. Istok
  28. Colaa,x3
  29. sylviaivlys
  30. OmasterstylerO
  31. DEBBIE123
  32. _
  33. DisasterAngel
  34. Gokan
  35. Prodigy
  36. Oblivion
  37. Mr. Icetea15
  38. Baroness113
  39. Serisawa
  40. surab 1996
  41. bunsi
  42. -NikeFootball.
  44. Method
  45. ..
  47. VirtualDiva
  48. droptop
  49. Dumdoesel
  50. surab 1996
  51. 5gz

  1. Rebecc@.
  2. Panther
  3. deceased
  4. -J!M
  5. Staloin
  6. Salzeda
  7. ReZaHB
  8. Mr. RicardoPerez
  9. Anshly
  10. ..Regi.
  11. Mutahnt
  12. roxy-300
  13. MegaMonikiya
  14. .
  15. Azuya
  16. Dhuos
  17. tami0000
  18. Spotify?
  19. Diegoohx-b4n
  20. . ♪
  21. jordi671
  22. GatadelRey
  23. lejavie
  24. mcgiios
  25. Ruben26.
  26. :-!KEVIN!-:
  27. Tovaricht
  29. Alucas
  30. humandrake
  31. masterluis39
  32. VeinyMartinez
  33. x@vii
  34. Kyovyan
  35. argenisv
  36. Faithful
  37. okiju
  38. camilitary 0008
  39. .:banz22:.
  40. -Zebra.
  41. elmejorpolo
  42. Deputy
  43. Discrepancia.
  44. L4M4RD3N1CK5
  45. haromar
  46. superstargiron
  47. wuakylongo
  48. R0k.
  49. Counterfeit
  50. arinoise
  51. Tamara
  52. conyoutu
  53. kookooAndrade
  54. enrolment
  55. d! !
  56. pac6.a
  57. Genesislub
  58. -Razz.
  59. The..Crazy
  60. .:Dannapaola:.
  61. CPleites96
  62. mardeamorRisa
  63. jajajajaja
  64. R2R3-B4n
  65. Gold-Boy.
  66. polynanine
  67. rukawa1
  68. ariel0557
  69. Yaolan.
  70. NoSoyInjected
  71. Siluety
  72. _
  73. Niche95496
  74. LEduardoJR!
  75. criistian29Agua
  76. C4de5
  77. -SnoopDogg
  78. frankistucr
  80. xfrankx12
  81. Cascado
  82. Mvn.
  83. Avena_Con_Miel
  84. Settling
  85. RickGrimes_TWD
  86. NelsonIgnaci
  87. Sr.PVM.-
  88. Facu.
  89. Miguelacho1235
  90. @---Andre---@
  91. .:CAOS:
  92. Dannyxz
  93. Luu.
  94. Andresfe9911
  95. lGabo:3
  96. 29: Akon.:30
  97. Eydderh
  98. shadow-zyro
  99. Escolopendra
  100. MasterDJ-JOEL
  101. or? or
  102. - Erasmus.-
  103. to do so
  104. alexa94RKO
  105. adry2606
  106. Skulltula
  107. Cevichito
  108. pabloferru
  109. zahiramariam
  110. Alexander720
  111. No 2204
  112. Brando. R
  113. OHuenter
  114. Uzon
  115. OneBy
  116. jamiealejand
  117. Adihez
  118. marti-08
  119. Egea1
  120. kraked988
  121. xChokiTo
  123. High
  124. Blurph
  125. MBFA.
  126. lopeziaz
  127. gabytz
  128. Ibicen
  129. sebassean-II
  130. MrsLindaCruz
  131. zev007
  132. Angel
  133. VL17Otakus
  134. lLimited.
  135. juandieg4009
  136. Fun.
  137. Irradiado
  138. Mar-3-tu
  139. LordDraco:
  140. X@vireivax
  141. Dantime
  142. ximito04
  143. olganelly:3
  144. peludo15
  145. ypasardiver
  146. Kratos
  147. NicoleF222_
  148. _
  149. DiegoIgnacioMV
  150. .X-=alex=-X.
  151. Ruthguapa!
  152. . Towanda.
  153. Mao,
  154. ministevenx
  155. Vangyr
  156. Irluuk
  157. marinav.11
  158. Cyan,
  159. Liispao
  160. artemisa 509
  161. born.thebest
  162. Diablo acid
  163. ==
  164. owl
  165. By
  166. Pleiko
  167. Danilo316
  168. kirbyneitor
  169. lindacarrot
  170. Daviid21-
  171. Tom.
  172. Kueno
  173. .:NaThaLiie::.
  174. Walter
  175. sarii
  176. Foxnake
  177. tanorxes
  178. -Gala. -
  179. INDIRA
  180. Demacraw
  181. SiirGiovanni
  182. Salaochivas
  183. Profetic
  184. Dimasfnsr
  185. Stevenou
  186. IAdd
  187. Lordkaiser
  188. pam130
  189. Pintur!
  190. Dinammy
  191. :pipe.14
  192. roses.bud
  193. _
  194. -Lagueado
  195. onlycamii
  196. alejand52017
  197. .Diamond-Back.
  198. eider306
  199. MariposaVerde.
  200. :.purple:. :
  201. GH0TRECON.
  202. Aarseth
  203. cinthia1992
  204. is789j
  205. BLACK-B4N
  206. Yrsa.
  207. KH-DsouZ
  208. App
  209. !
  210. -Lovegood-
  211. Daytime
  212. DJgreen
  213. elvis6905
  214. Kikevzm
  215. Maike
  216. -Eliaaas

  1. Ahonen
  2. xxx887
  3. rocawear
  4. Haukipullo
  5. @Justeeri@
  6. Boksu
  7. vara-Kaukoyhtey
  8. Herblaw
  9. Haalarit
  10. Vigy
  11. meriextui
  12. Courtesy
  13. Sly.Racoon
  14. Jennamarja
  15. Loup
  16. Pippuri97.
  17. hauskalea

  1. bouboulemars
  2. DEAD-Al_x
  3. victorious
  4. Kauz
  5. reribis
  6. T!ffany
  7. Colt-Detective
  8. BIBI983
  9. Mllx-Lolipop
  10. Topeka
  11. Aquanaut
  12. kawoo
  13. Jack-Maska
  14. Alessio. Milan
  15. legrandp
  16. @Fantastique@
  17. Anassss
  18. .:fillette13:.
  19. Capucine38000
  20. lolo-11-le-malindu67
  21. Mister-Hicham
  22. alexlebos15
  23. xavier31x
  24. -Jiren
  25. P!OU
  26. Yaniss. .
  27. stevenlebogosss
  28. :.Krowzen. :
  29. like-boss=ban
  30. xTyranicos
  31. Wndows,
  32. _
  33. rigolus123
  34. bibi.h=ban
  35. Loulli-star
  36. Baenary
  37. Bountra = bandef
  38. _
  39. SyLvAiN..
  40. ChileROjo
  41. .:Dark-CO::.
  42. the-aurelien56
  43. chuwawaceddd
  44. L-eo.
  45. :JuJuHaBbO: :
  46. MrCorocoro
  47. Flairsou
  48. Dak.Vital
  49. Jimmy.Le.Boss.
  50. Alexandre94200
  51. M.Galaxy

  1. eleonoraport
  2. manu.97.bomba
  3. diavoletto96
  4. Dhavez
  5. :. :
  6. .:MATR!X:.
  7. chavid
  8. Viky. =
  9. =Naples.Devil=
  10. jan327
  11. steg6
  12. Payment
  13. ----DAY-----BAN
  14. Mine
  15. MiaCatroe
  16. Rox14e
  17. David
  18. DinoFunky
  19. excellentmusa
  20. Frozen.
  21. M.Chiara:3
  22. speedypink
  23. okki-blu96
  24. Doy.
  25. :.alfo. :
  26. sea307
  27. -Niko,
  28. conoil
  29. Alexis
  30. PokerRoyal
  31. Lukka99
  32. Power
  33. Chicco-1976
  34. Piero!
  35. MarkEvans.
  36. _
  37. Abroad
  38. Lollorenzo97
  39. Rafael-97
  40. Court of Justice
  41. HazeBerry
  42. .:gabry:
  43. Luisa807
  44. .:SunShine87:.
  45. skull96
  46. Insane:
  47. Bombacasarano
  48. Damian057
  49. Arro
  50. -Jenny.
  51. skylight

  1. Drunkybunny
  2. -Rhedyn
  3. Nicolina-Romans
  4. hot
  5. CeCe.
  6. Fueel
  7. Centrox
  8. hasnae11
  9. Spoby
  10. Kembara
  11. RodaJC2000
  12. Doedelzak
  13. MrTung
  14. .:pienaar:.
  15. Chindy
  16. ketnetzoen
  17. Ladyrembak
  18. mirekis
  19. HerrKlaus
  20. ikkenia
  21. Sam!
  22. ßaas
  23. its
  24. cooltjeee
  25. Lordship.
  27. Cerwyn
  28. bananashake.16
  29. Pyrot
  30. Elodie.
  31. Calgan.
  32. jerimu
  33. - What?
  34. Sor.Queen.4. Life
  35. aniekeline
  36. NinjasinPyjamas
  37. 01jura01
  38. mr.mayhem2
  39. osimono45
  40. ChangeYourImage
  41. jenneben
  42. FlashForward
  43. houtsnippers
  44. bodyguard.m
  45. Reinforcement
  46. vluigtieg
  47. Proficiency
  48. .:miss-carey:.
  49. VintageBubble.

  1. Tobacco0878
  2. fikretozerkan
  3. superstar
  4. ramazan66381
  5. alderman
  6. idle
  7. emre77063
  8. CanReisss
  9. Süperyunus58
  10. cancute24
  11. batuhan7839
  12. ndnkadir009
  13. Anıl_Berke_
  14. Niis
  15. canpolat222
  16. Wahei
  17. Raccoon
  18. heel
  19. Tatatalok
  20. ercan6
  21. -Pandaros-
  22. ardaturko
  23. _
  24. Dam!a
  25. adaletBekcisi
  26. NeDRoN!
  27. Kenan4949
  28. Curly!
  29. korkusuz_ergen
  30. Juturne
  31. edayvs
  32. DrPepper
  33. .:xvolkanx:.

. COM:
  1. Jephyrr
  2. Blinded
  3. Jx
  4. Coolreeceyboi
  5. Fellower
  6. Ta
  7. Trufflex
  8. mustafa505
  9. AnisMs7
  10. Energy
  11. ZachChan
  12. -Seducer
  13. Villa-wonka
  14. Oivind
  15. Miss Biancax
  16. Shanebrekot
  17. Krimstik
  18. ZXRWH
  20. F4rk
  21. Draco3141
  22. Polymer
  23. Zint!
  24. Reece.
  25. Trinian
  26. flavalinda
  27. Femq
  28. AuraAurora
  29. Swaggaliciouis
  30. Asked
  31. MandyWoon
  32. TylerM.
  33. Iynhs
  34. HypzShowluo
  35. Duo
  36. SimplyMajestic
  37. Miizzey
  38. iambrandon98
  39. Shahmz-Z
  40. DeeGurTeh
  41. Its.Dino
  42. Oscarle55
  43. Disturbance
  44. UndeadHabbo
  45. LordofKittyKats
  46. Mysteries
  47. xiny
  48. Sabbbbbie.
  49. sasuke
  50. mr.bryian
  51. Br0kenButterfly
  52. Hell
  53. _
  54. possum7421
  55. Leatherwood
  56. .:.Hurricane. : : .
  57. Jeca-Tatu
  58. mintshopp
  59. Profile
  60. yugioh228
  61. Bailed
  62. Jibae
  63. SquirleBoss
  64. Furfelt
  65. bluecolddevil
  66. .
  67. Pilot
  68. supertrampfan
  69. daoyong123
  70. Ligep
  71. Hanna. Yea
  72. Carehome
  73. Sanctixe
  74. Juuliia:
  75. asia-g
  76. L0-VE
  77. Hx.Ben
  78. Bumpah!
  79. Remmykins
  80. -unstoppable-
  81. 0wnage2u
  82. Kwl
  83. Romantic
  84. Kouzui
  85. nahuel
  86. elDieguito
  87. - RubyDaCherry
  88. Investigation
  89. FrancoRROR
  90. SuhDood.
  91. ValeHaboli
  92. Blubby
  93. arjany
  94. KouseiSenpai
  95. =-Win.Or.Lose=-
  96. Mockingbirdz
  97. Tako
  98. Xaine.
  99. Zabuza
  100. Isanigami
  101. Noah
  103. 0v_v0
  104. Iil-karli
  105. AdidasNeo
  106. andricxqr
  107. Damncarl
  108. Xcalibr
  109. Vaicyon
  110. Camlow
  111. Deactivate!
  112. lewu002
  113. Bonnada
  114. Woooosh!
  115. Kreasa
  116. Epiclama
  117. RylaiShield
  118. a seasoned
  119. neon-ipod
  120. PrintedSafety
  121. DKBlackFlame
  122. Bank.
  123. Wise
  124. greenv
  125. -Melious.
  126. Oxus
  127. !Meliss@!
  128. -Wahid.
  129. supercurtis
  130. Josoho
  131. Unkempt
  132. FireShowing
  133. . ElDinero
  134. ,holmes-
  135. -Json.
  136. Mr.SixtyNine
  137. TwiztedDoll
  138. Shogunate
  139. ChocoPizza
  140. PlainVegetables
  141. Ricky-da-geezer
  142. 99Overall
  143. Chris_Tan
  144. iPhone-X-10
  145. Eduard
  146. DJ-rapand
  147. Vodafone
  148. koh606
  149. Peachery
  150. .
  151. X,
  152. Brozart
  153. TDragonLover
  154. Unknownymus
  155. RaNdOm!
  156. Ovaltine06
  157. Clazen
  158. Mr.Daze
  159. Mal
  160. DarkDevilZero
  161. Vexed.
  162. xX!krystal!Xx
  163. :sunny: :
  164. Price:Tag
  165. Recordal
  166. Joltz
  167. kalesalad
  168. Aceter
  169. Love
  170. E.r.i.c.k.
  171. Peppermink
  172. IRippedMyShirt
  173. Court
  174. ,megahao
  175. iSpeakJosh
  176. one-loveadrian
  177. Adam_7603
  178. _
  179. UnderCover.
  180. Lufas
  181. Horn
  182. chris_rocks
  183. MNF
  184. Ballet
  185. :Jinx
  186. Jag
  187. Stadiums
  188. 22
  189. B.
  190. Un'atch
  191. 9601
  192. DetectiveComics
  193. 240v
  194. DrippinSauce
  195. Tubes.
  196. Funkyhabbo
  197. Yucca
  198. Dr.Yolo
  199. 14th
  200. Pulse
  201. FlyingJesus
  202. AndyATW!
  203. YouAreBrave
  204. MissLivepool
  205. Maytron
  206. Sixty-six
  207. Mats94
  208. Lari
  209. LeeSafe

Congratulations to all the winners!

*Elenco updated after the release*

:Attenzione:Important communication!

Habbo identified different accounts in the winner list #HabboNFT that you were not created before 1 January 2020.

They will update the listof the winners!

:Attenzione:Important communication!

Habbo, after communication of the date error, he released another communicated with the new winners.They say they're wrong to see registration dates and to apologize they have inserted others Extra NFT.

:Commenta:What do you think of this news? Are you one of the winners? Let us know by leaving a comment below!