They have just been announced winners of the NFT competition where Habbo gave his Comunity 1000 NFT look.
Let's go see what this is about... .
New translated by habbo.com
Of all Habbo suitable for an NFT, we are happy to share the complete list of Habbo who will receive a NFT from collection of Habbo Avatar.
Each site will receive its own individual article today or tomorrow with the winners on your hotel, we apologize for waiting. (We had a localization incident. )
Could be about time to send them all to the address of the MetaMask portfolio you provided as it is a manual process (days or even weeks). Ask us when you receive your NFT will not accelerate the process, so please try not to ask!
Note: to actually see your NFT and sell it if you wish, you will have to access OpenSea using the MetaMask wallet you created.
Read this articlefor more information about the community giveaway.
Winners list
Waiting for the specific news, we write all the winners.
- gilsonb2
- julia17794
- Desbrochante
- _
- Mxt.
- Hgjb.
- Mariana
- KillerBayShin
- -=iTzzzzzz!
- Donut2000
- Mc,Pablo
- rodrigo11Craque
- sivibi
- Sr.Malandrex
- ♪
- meninoferde
- Domleonar198
- Vnoiado
- ...Rufitos...
- -Hello.
- davilindoz84
- . Nocturne
- Luzine!
- ♪
- alan-pms
- ♪
- Allanbt
- Lucas472471
- Darling
- ♪
- Sr.meudeus
- Pag
- Oinevado
- music
- Lucas14861
- reivitorxxx
- -JumpStyle
- Sr_maximos.
- juliatriste
- rnandada
- Abigair
- iSanndy
- Handbookoww
- JonathaanCsn
- Courage
- .Blue@ngel.
- Luthy.. .
- Goldboy.
- adriana73622
- !
- isableb
- Kolio
- ,Bomberman
- 59
- Guiilees
- ♪
- Missscher
- carreiraSoldado
- BET0.
- alimonagh
- Evy.Martins
- Chellinha
- ♪
- Roma622SuET
- ♪
- bi@zinh@hhh!
- SgtRodrigues
- Hymn
- Horcrux
- TioSanly
- HugoCastro30
- xxx.Luara.xxx
- thiago123321
- LunaSecret
- tastevm
- xRedLabel.
- ♪
- Weida! !
- MasterRobson
- FerrariConstellation
- Chicleety
- Tony_brito
- Sabrisaa
- Ozzot24
- rodolfox007
- Divagatin 2011
- Ollie
- waste
- felishes20335
- ♪
- - Techno-Top-
- - Hitsu.
- Skylight
- DiicoRoomaa
- Pudinzin.
- wolfinsheepskin
- Andrey1994
- Raffa2512
- - Chronometer-
- .:Caiio: :
- 13runo! !
- white
- Im_walker
- pro.ander
- Aninha.hta17
- Sandals809
- ♪
- ♪
- ♪
- Contempt
- MarcosADT
- ..ThE-BoY.
- _
- iFront
- :FatalSNuff: :
- Iupino
- 9Both
- alice.yin
- lucas-faro20
- Fennway
- Flacially
- Metaforz
- RenRen
- Ygoor
- Grey.
- MistaHotel.
- nogueiraeli
- :Maikel
- Stenport
- @Poet
- Nails
- Rhobert.junior.
- Rigggby
- chapeuzim
- Espedyta
- ♪
- renato-mlk-top
- Waytz.
- Say. Alicezita
- Punkadeira
- sirisabela74
- -SouLeque
- ♪
- Charges
- Cupe!cake
- violeta131
- ♪
- Silver
- .:KruM::.
- Sam
- Srto.Pedrinho
- Rayna...
- BIGRObinhox
- Boyyu.
- MCMCsamir
- Senhoritohen
- julyqk
- RafSantos12
- ♪
- =? =Harry=? ♪
- Boss
- Hiperzicks2
- ?
- Jess?
- Good. .
- Matoniniih-
- SilvadaSilva
- ♪
- GataTanin
- pedro.sallas
- Effryant.ban
- SuperNando144
- Fofa4211
- reinanfeli
- -MariB!
- OGabrielBraga
- ElFimose
- . :Nuttg:.
- Eric.Modz
- Megaruim2
- -Edhone
- _
- jueanjo
- fabintb
- AsunaYuukii-
- De4n
- Dadinho!
- Armoit
- Justus123
- ♪
- kimbosebol
- Lamalu
- Nathan.alves.
- iBeer.
- mamaagnalsk
- Ahoy
- Gore!
- .:LUCAS:.400
- Hami
- Fredukj
- 7746
- Uchiha-Vicangel
- Molecular
- nathali14308
- ♪
- BrMarinho
- Banana
- hygor406
- RafinhaMiya
- .:MasterT:.
- ♪
- ♪
- ♪
- That
- zacaws
- _
- His
- Arnica
- Big gold
- Passoos
- be.
- dianinha.val
- . Caine.
- igui8
- v@v@.
- -Bieel.zicka
- Luan3892.
- KratosWesley
- iNeoT
- dsilva2013
- marcos66642
- ♪
- --tugas--
- Elizabeth
- ♪
- .LindoDeMorrer-
- Leh_hehe.
- ♪
- =p-pop-q=
- heectorjr
- RedZera
- isaiassous62
- Vitoriony
- Why? .
- Cundero
- LindaGirl
- x-..Adrian.. -X
- Dbgf
- Amiga600
- Tentork
- nightthinker
- Simmich
- hasi962
- ♪
- DasZwitter
- Super-Held
- longgong
- IchBinCoolok?
- PunkGirl86
- .:RobInIo.xD:.
- narutix
- .mojo
- ♪
- Yatosu
- Lala.x3.
- xxxjulivn
- ♪
- Miwana
- Cybercheck
- ♪
- Miqqi
- -Seng
- Das,Adidas..x3
- Nikii,
- Istok
- Colaa,x3
- ♪
- sylviaivlys
- ♪
- OmasterstylerO
- ♪
- _
- DisasterAngel
- Gokan
- Prodigy
- Oblivion
- Mr. Icetea15
- ♪
- Baroness113
- ♪
- Serisawa
- ♪
- surab 1996
- bunsi
- -NikeFootball.
- justin396.de
- Method
- ..
- ♪
- VirtualDiva
- droptop
- Dumdoesel
- surab 1996
- 5gz
- Rebecc@.
- Panther
- deceased
- -J!M
- Staloin
- Salzeda
- ReZaHB
- Mr. RicardoPerez
- Anshly
- ..Regi.
- Mutahnt
- roxy-300
- MegaMonikiya
- .
- Azuya
- Dhuos
- ♪
- tami0000
- Spotify?
- Diegoohx-b4n
- . ♪
- jordi671
- GatadelRey
- lejavie
- ♪
- mcgiios
- Ruben26.
- :-!KEVIN!-:
- Tovaricht
- Alucas
- ♪
- humandrake
- masterluis39
- VeinyMartinez
- x@vii
- Kyovyan
- argenisv
- Faithful
- okiju
- camilitary 0008
- .:banz22:.
- -Zebra.
- elmejorpolo
- Deputy
- Discrepancia.
- L4M4RD3N1CK5
- haromar
- superstargiron
- wuakylongo
- R0k.
- ♪
- ♪
- ♪
- Counterfeit
- arinoise
- Tamara
- conyoutu
- kookooAndrade
- enrolment
- d! !
- pac6.a
- Genesislub
- -Razz.
- ♪
- The..Crazy
- .:Dannapaola:.
- CPleites96
- mardeamorRisa
- jajajajaja
- R2R3-B4n
- Gold-Boy.
- polynanine
- rukawa1
- ariel0557
- Yaolan.
- NoSoyInjected
- Siluety
- ♪
- _
- Niche95496
- LEduardoJR!
- criistian29Agua
- C4de5
- -SnoopDogg
- frankistucr
- xfrankx12
- Cascado
- ♪
- Mvn.
- Avena_Con_Miel
- Settling
- RickGrimes_TWD
- NelsonIgnaci
- Sr.PVM.-
- Facu.
- Miguelacho1235
- @---Andre---@
- ♪
- ♪
- .:CAOS:
- ♪
- Dannyxz
- Luu.
- Andresfe9911
- lGabo:3
- 29: Akon.:30
- Eydderh
- shadow-zyro
- ♪
- Escolopendra
- MasterDJ-JOEL
- or? or
- - Erasmus.-
- to do so
- alexa94RKO
- adry2606
- ♪
- Skulltula
- Cevichito
- pabloferru
- zahiramariam
- Alexander720
- No 2204
- Brando. R
- OHuenter
- Uzon
- OneBy
- jamiealejand
- Adihez
- marti-08
- Egea1
- kraked988
- ♪
- xChokiTo
- ♪
- High
- Blurph
- lopeziaz
- gabytz
- Ibicen
- sebassean-II
- MrsLindaCruz
- zev007
- Angel
- VL17Otakus
- lLimited.
- ♪
- juandieg4009
- Fun.
- Irradiado
- Mar-3-tu
- LordDraco:
- X@vireivax
- Dantime
- ximito04
- olganelly:3
- peludo15
- ypasardiver
- Kratos
- NicoleF222_
- _
- DiegoIgnacioMV
- .X-=alex=-X.
- Ruthguapa!
- . Towanda.
- Mao,
- ministevenx
- Vangyr
- Irluuk
- marinav.11
- Cyan,
- Liispao
- artemisa 509
- born.thebest
- Diablo acid
- ==
- owl
- ♪
- By
- Pleiko
- ♪
- ♪
- Danilo316
- kirbyneitor
- lindacarrot
- Daviid21-
- Tom.
- Kueno
- ♪
- .:NaThaLiie::.
- Walter
- sarii
- Foxnake
- ♪
- tanorxes
- ♪
- -Gala. -
- ♪
- Demacraw
- SiirGiovanni
- Salaochivas
- Profetic
- Dimasfnsr
- ♪
- Stevenou
- IAdd
- Lordkaiser
- pam130
- Pintur!
- Dinammy
- :pipe.14
- roses.bud
- _
- -Lagueado
- onlycamii
- ♪
- alejand52017
- .Diamond-Back.
- eider306
- MariposaVerde.
- :.purple:. :
- Aarseth
- ♪
- cinthia1992
- is789j
- Yrsa.
- KH-DsouZ
- App
- !
- -Lovegood-
- Daytime
- DJgreen
- elvis6905
- Kikevzm
- ♪
- Maike
- -Eliaaas
- Ahonen
- xxx887
- rocawear
- Haukipullo
- @Justeeri@
- Boksu
- vara-Kaukoyhtey
- ♪
- Herblaw
- Haalarit
- Vigy
- ♪
- meriextui
- Courtesy
- Sly.Racoon
- Jennamarja
- Loup
- ♪
- Pippuri97.
- hauskalea
- ♪
- bouboulemars
- DEAD-Al_x
- victorious
- ♪
- Kauz
- reribis
- T!ffany
- ♪
- Colt-Detective
- ♪
- ♪
- BIBI983
- Mllx-Lolipop
- Topeka
- Aquanaut
- kawoo
- Jack-Maska
- Alessio. Milan
- legrandp
- @Fantastique@
- Anassss
- .:fillette13:.
- Capucine38000
- lolo-11-le-malindu67
- Mister-Hicham
- ♪
- alexlebos15
- xavier31x
- -Jiren
- P!OU
- Yaniss. .
- stevenlebogosss
- :.Krowzen. :
- like-boss=ban
- xTyranicos
- Wndows,
- _
- ♪
- rigolus123
- bibi.h=ban
- Loulli-star
- Baenary
- Bountra = bandef
- ♪
- _
- SyLvAiN..
- ChileROjo
- .:Dark-CO::.
- the-aurelien56
- chuwawaceddd
- L-eo.
- :JuJuHaBbO: :
- ♪
- MrCorocoro
- Flairsou
- Dak.Vital
- Jimmy.Le.Boss.
- Alexandre94200
- M.Galaxy
- eleonoraport
- manu.97.bomba
- diavoletto96
- Dhavez
- :. :
- .:MATR!X:.
- chavid
- Viky. =
- =Naples.Devil=
- jan327
- steg6
- Payment
- ----DAY-----BAN
- Mine
- MiaCatroe
- Rox14e
- David
- DinoFunky
- excellentmusa
- Frozen.
- ♪
- M.Chiara:3
- speedypink
- okki-blu96
- Doy.
- :.alfo. :
- sea307
- -Niko,
- conoil
- Alexis
- PokerRoyal
- Lukka99
- Power
- Chicco-1976
- Piero!
- MarkEvans.
- _
- Abroad
- Lollorenzo97
- Rafael-97
- Court of Justice
- HazeBerry
- .:gabry:
- Luisa807
- .:SunShine87:.
- skull96
- Insane:
- Bombacasarano
- Damian057
- Arro
- -Jenny.
- skylight
- ♪
- Drunkybunny
- -Rhedyn
- Nicolina-Romans
- hot
- CeCe.
- Fueel
- Centrox
- hasnae11
- Spoby
- Kembara
- RodaJC2000
- Doedelzak
- MrTung
- .:pienaar:.
- Chindy
- ♪
- ketnetzoen
- Ladyrembak
- mirekis
- HerrKlaus
- ikkenia
- Sam!
- ßaas
- its
- cooltjeee
- Lordship.
- Cerwyn
- bananashake.16
- Pyrot
- Elodie.
- Calgan.
- jerimu
- - What?
- Sor.Queen.4. Life
- aniekeline
- NinjasinPyjamas
- 01jura01
- mr.mayhem2
- osimono45
- ChangeYourImage
- jenneben
- FlashForward
- houtsnippers
- bodyguard.m
- Reinforcement
- vluigtieg
- Proficiency
- .:miss-carey:.
- VintageBubble.
- Tobacco0878
- fikretozerkan
- ♪
- superstar
- ramazan66381
- ♪
- alderman
- idle
- emre77063
- CanReisss
- Süperyunus58
- cancute24
- batuhan7839
- ndnkadir009
- ♪
- Anıl_Berke_
- Niis
- canpolat222
- Wahei
- Raccoon
- heel
- ♪
- Tatatalok
- ercan6
- ♪
- -Pandaros-
- ardaturko
- _
- Dam!a
- adaletBekcisi
- NeDRoN!
- ♪
- Kenan4949
- Curly!
- ♪
- korkusuz_ergen
- Juturne
- edayvs
- DrPepper
- .:xvolkanx:.
- ♪
. COM:
- Jephyrr
- Blinded
- Jx
- Coolreeceyboi
- Fellower
- Ta
- Trufflex
- mustafa505
- AnisMs7
- Energy
- ZachChan
- -Seducer
- ♪
- Villa-wonka
- Oivind
- Miss Biancax
- Shanebrekot
- Krimstik
- ♪
- F4rk
- Draco3141
- Polymer
- ♪
- Zint!
- Reece.
- Trinian
- ♪
- flavalinda
- Femq
- AuraAurora
- Swaggaliciouis
- Asked
- MandyWoon
- ♪
- TylerM.
- Iynhs
- ♪
- HypzShowluo
- ♪
- ♪
- Duo
- SimplyMajestic
- Miizzey
- iambrandon98
- Shahmz-Z
- DeeGurTeh
- ♪
- Its.Dino
- ♪
- Oscarle55
- ♪
- Disturbance
- UndeadHabbo
- LordofKittyKats
- Mysteries
- ♪
- ♪
- xiny
- Sabbbbbie.
- sasuke
- mr.bryian
- Br0kenButterfly
- Hell
- _
- possum7421
- Leatherwood
- .:.Hurricane. : : .
- ♪
- Jeca-Tatu
- mintshopp
- Profile
- yugioh228
- Bailed
- Jibae
- SquirleBoss
- ♪
- Furfelt
- bluecolddevil
- .
- Pilot
- supertrampfan
- daoyong123
- Ligep
- Hanna. Yea
- Carehome
- Sanctixe
- Juuliia:
- asia-g
- L0-VE
- Hx.Ben
- ♪
- Bumpah!
- ♪
- Remmykins
- -unstoppable-
- 0wnage2u
- ♪
- Kwl
- Romantic
- Kouzui
- nahuel
- elDieguito
- - RubyDaCherry
- Investigation
- FrancoRROR
- SuhDood.
- ValeHaboli
- Blubby
- arjany
- KouseiSenpai
- =-Win.Or.Lose=-
- Mockingbirdz
- Tako
- Xaine.
- Zabuza
- ♪
- Isanigami
- ♪
- Noah
- 0v_v0
- Iil-karli
- AdidasNeo
- ♪
- andricxqr
- Damncarl
- Xcalibr
- Vaicyon
- Camlow
- ♪
- Deactivate!
- lewu002
- Bonnada
- Woooosh!
- Kreasa
- ♪
- Epiclama
- ♪
- RylaiShield
- a seasoned
- neon-ipod
- PrintedSafety
- DKBlackFlame
- Bank.
- Wise
- greenv
- -Melious.
- Oxus
- !Meliss@!
- -Wahid.
- supercurtis
- Josoho
- ♪
- ♪
- Unkempt
- FireShowing
- ♪
- . ElDinero
- ,holmes-
- ♪
- -Json.
- Mr.SixtyNine
- TwiztedDoll
- Shogunate
- ChocoPizza
- PlainVegetables
- Ricky-da-geezer
- 99Overall
- Chris_Tan
- iPhone-X-10
- Eduard
- DJ-rapand
- Vodafone
- koh606
- ♪
- Peachery
- .
- X,
- Brozart
- ♪
- TDragonLover
- Unknownymus
- RaNdOm!
- Ovaltine06
- Clazen
- Mr.Daze
- ♪
- Mal
- DarkDevilZero
- Vexed.
- xX!krystal!Xx
- :sunny: :
- Price:Tag
- Recordal
- Joltz
- kalesalad
- Aceter
- Love
- E.r.i.c.k.
- Peppermink
- IRippedMyShirt
- Court
- ,megahao
- iSpeakJosh
- one-loveadrian
- Adam_7603
- _
- UnderCover.
- Lufas
- Horn
- chris_rocks
- Ballet
- :Jinx
- Jag
- Stadiums
- 22
- B.
- ♪
- ♪
- Un'atch
- 9601
- DetectiveComics
- 240v
- ♪
- DrippinSauce
- Tubes.
- Funkyhabbo
- Yucca
- Dr.Yolo
- 14th
- Pulse
- ♪
- ♪
- FlyingJesus
- AndyATW!
- YouAreBrave
- MissLivepool
- Maytron
- Sixty-six
- Mats94
- Lari
- LeeSafe
Congratulations to all the winners!
*Elenco updated after the release*
Important communication!
Habbo identified different accounts in the winner list #HabboNFT that you were not created before 1 January 2020.
They will update the listof the winners!
Important communication!
Habbo, after communication of the date error, he released another communicated with the new winners.They say they're wrong to see registration dates and to apologize they have inserted others Extra NFT.
What do you think of this news? Are you one of the winners? Let us know by leaving a comment below!